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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: [ GLSA 200601-09 ] Wine: Windows Metafile SETABORTPROC vulnerability

In the wise words of Austin Murkland, on Friday 13 January 2006 20:30:
> Can anyone else verify Steve Gibson's assertion that this flaw was 
> intentionally placed by Microsoft programmers?
> http://www.grc.com/sn/SN-022.htm
From http://blogs.technet.com/msrc/archive/2006/01/13/417431.aspx:
"Now, there’s been some speculation that you can only trigger this by using 
incorrect size in your metafile record and that this trigger was somehow 
intentional.  That speculation is wrong on both counts. The vulnerability can 
be triggered with correct or incorrect size values.  If you are seeing that 
you can only trigger it with an incorrect value, it's probably because your 
SetAbortProc record is the last record in the metafile. The way this 
functionality works is by registering the callback to be called after the 
next metafile record is played. If the SetAbortProc record is the last record 
in the metafile, it will be more difficult to trigger the vulnerability."

No, thus.



P.S.: cross-posting is bad

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