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Re: [Full-disclosure] infosecbofh
- To: GroundZero Security <fd@xxxxxxx>, full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] infosecbofh
- From: Joe Average <yahooinsider@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 00:18:44 +0000
Thanks for your worthless rant,
Please confirn to us you're not a bot
Take care now.
On 1/5/06, GroundZero Security <fd@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> lol wow mr joe avarage aka n3td3v turns things around once again.
> if you check the thread, you brought yourself up as usually.
> are you so busy to talk shit that you cant keep track of what you say ?
> yes figures, since all you try is get more hits on your kiddie blog shit.
> erm and you still wonder why people bash you ? now come on, you
> announced to go "underground" so do that. the only problem is that
> nowdays the underground is pretty closed down/private and you have
> to actually proove that you know your shit and can code to get
> trusted. after all the lameness you started on fulldisclosure, it will be
> hard to find anyone that doesnt laugh about you. but hey you should
> try to hang with some defacer kids as they think they are the real
> underground too and then you can go xss the planet together.
> maybe someday you find a php file inclusion vulnerability and feel
> damn special as the defacer kidz will think your a real hacker with
> 0d4y c0d3 !!! you should keep learning about security instead of
> beeing such a smart mouth. then in a few years you will see what a
> lamer you have been and might be able to laugh about your own stupidity.
> then again i doubt you will ever learn anything. people tried to tell you
> nicely,
> but all you can do is brag about things even though everyone already knows
> that you are nothing but a steam blower. oh and by the way, your little
> pathetic try to send me mass mails failed :P setting up a gmail account
> with forwarding to my mail account and then register it to all
> securityfocus
> mailinglists just shows how lame you really are. 1 line added and of
> course
> it got blocked of my mailserver and stopped it all. wasnt annoying, just
> funny
> to see that you are stuck in the early 90s where that may have still
> worked.
> you are outdated :-D oh and another little note - there is no such thing
> as a
> "yahoo scene" that might be you and your imaginary friend joe avarage.
> and dont reply now once again with your standard phrases that we just
> would
> be jealous of your xss. it may be a risk, but its nothing special at all.
> everyone
> but you realizes it. xss is the most easy bug to find. i could teach an
> ape how
> to find xss in 5 minutes, but its a waste of time and even the ape
> would get bored.
> <script>alert("STFU");</script>
> -sk
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Joe Average <yahooinsider@xxxxxxxxx>
> *To:* Stan Bubrouski <stan.bubrouski@xxxxxxxxx> ;
> full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:23 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Full-disclosure] infosecbofh
> Why are you mentioning n3td3v? This thread is about infosecbofh, please
> keep on topic. I don't believe the two XSSing vulnerabilities on Google
> Groups is all netdev is responsible for. Look closer into whats going on.
> Theres a world of conspriacy out there to be had. Lets not argue amoung
> ourselfs.
> The Sober.z variant will be attacking tomorrow and speculation that it'll
> have a WMF exploit payload is already sweeping the underground. I think we
> should be concentrating on that kind of thing, than arguing on really low
> priorty topics like who is more of a disruption than who on a mailing list.
> Take care now.
> On 1/5/06, Stan Bubrouski <stan.bubrouski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Oh where to begin...
> >
> > On 1/5/06, Joe Average <yahooinsider@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
> > > I guess he got bored of turning netdev into public enemy number one,
> > to
> >
> > You are n3td3v, and talking in the third person under an assumed
> > identity just adds to your own turmoil.
> >
> > > divert attention away from the real guy who is messing up the list,
> > none
> >
> > Yep infosecbofh, joe average, n3td3v, etc... are a nuisance, but in
> > infosecbofh's defense he seems to be using only one email account to
> > torture his victims.
> >
> > > other than the guy who has never released any security
> > vulnerabilities... I
> > > present to you...mr infosecbofh...round of applause!
> >
> > You keep coming back to this but all you ever find is XSS in sites,
> > not even in products or such. I'm not putting down what you do, but
> > you act like its so important and that it makes you more important
> > even though it doesn't. Also, its hard to be sympathetic for you
> > getting picked on when you *clearly* try to instigate situations at
> > every turn, and when n3td3v isn't mentioned in a thread you bring him
> > up, and he's you so what can you expect?
> >
> > Please stop responding to this crap, its no secret you want it to
> > continue so your name gets more hits on google, but the rest of us
> > could care less about you or problems with everyone who ever
> > contradicts you. Stay in school and shut up. PLEASE.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > sb
> >
> ------------------------------
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