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[Full-disclosure] Re: WMF round-up, updates and de-mystification

On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 10:28:40AM +0200, Gadi Evron wrote:
| The "patch" by Ilfak Guilfanov works, but by disabling a DLL in Windows. 
| So far no problems have been observed by anyone using this patch. You 

This is incorrect.  Michael Hennessy has reported problems on
the patch-management mailing list:

> I took the SANS advice and de-registered the dll, and also installed
> Ilfak Guilfanov's "temporary patch" on 1 win2k machine and 6 XP
> machines today.
> All fine except for one of the XP machines - wouldn't run IE without
> gpf'ing until I uninstalled the patch - but leaving the dll
> de-registered didn't seem to cause any grief anywhere, so far.
> FWIW, the iexplore crashes left this in the event log:
> Event ID 4097, source : drwatson The application, C:\Program
> Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, generated an application
> error The error occurred on 01/02/2006 @ 14:49:49.709 The exception
> generated was c0000005 at address 0068E3BA (<nosymbols>)
> I suspect that the patch conflicts with an application that is
> specific to this machine.


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