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Re: [Full-disclosure] WMF round-up, updates and de-mystification

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he try to be good , but everyone remember his shit talks firing about
netdev & cie , nice try ..

InfoSecBOFH wrote:
> So this patch is trusted because you said so?
> I have tested and confirmed that this patch only works in specific
> scnenarios and does not mitigate the entire issue.  Variations still
> work.
> On 1/3/06, Gadi Evron <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Quite a bit of confusing and a vast amount of information coming from
>> all directions about the WMF 0day. Here are some URL's and generic facts
>> to set us straight.
>> The "patch" by Ilfak Guilfanov works, but by disabling a DLL in Windows.
>> So far no problems have been observed by anyone using this patch. You
>> should naturally check it out for yourselves but I and many others
>> recommend it until Microsoft bothers to show up with their own patch.
>> Ilfak is trusted and is in no way a Bad Guy.
>> You can find more information about it at his blog:
>> http://www.hexblog.com/2005/12/wmf_vuln.html
>> If you are still not sure about the patch by Ilfak, check out the
>> discussion of it going on in the funsec list about the patch, with Ilfak
>> participating:
>> https://linuxbox.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/funsec
>> Occasional information of new WMF problems keep coming in over there.
>> In this URL you can find the best summary I have seen of the WMF issue:
>> http://isc.sans.org/diary.php?storyid=994
>> by the "SANS ISC diary" team.
>> In this URL you can find the best write-up I have seen on the WMF issue:
>> http://blogs.securiteam.com/index.php/archives/167
>> By Matthew Murphy at the "Securiteam Blogs".
>> Also, it should be noted at this time that since the first public
>> discovery of this "problem", a new one has been coming in - every day.
>> All the ones seen so far are variants of the original and in all ways
>> the SAME problem. So, it would be best to acknowledge them as the
>> same... or we will keep having a NEW 0day which really isn't for about 2
>> months when all these few dozen variations are exhausted.
>> A small BUT IMPORTANT correction for future generations:
>> The 0day was originally found and reported by Hubbard Dan from Websense
>> on a closed vetted security mailing list, and later on at the Websense
>> public page. All those who took credit for it took it wrongly.
>> Thanks, and a better new year to us all,
>>        Gadi.
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