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Re: [Full-disclosure] Good proxy chaining applications
- To: pagvac <unknown.pentester@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Good proxy chaining applications
- From: Pablo Fernandez <pablo.fernav@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 20:18:01 +0100
ProxyChain has been recently released and I've been using it for quite
some time now. Most interesting option (to me) it's the ability to use
it as a nc "replacement" (directly from the command line) or use it from
any other application (it can bind to a local port).
Check it out at http://freshmeat.net/projects/proxychain/
Best regards,
El vie, 30-12-2005 a las 10:35 +0100, pagvac escribió:
> Happy holidays to everyone who is subscribed to the list!
> I'm interested in getting opinions from people that have experience
> using proxy chaining applications.
> Please, don't tell me to use Google. I've done so already! I *don't*
> want a compiled list of proxy chaining applications but rather advise
> from people that *have* actually used them.
> I've been playing with SocksChain [www.ufasoft.com/socks/] which
> supposedly allows you to choose the executable of your favorite
> browser (or any other app) and it will then "sock" it. In reality, my
> IP address was still showing [http://www.whatismyip.com/] after
> "socking" Firefox (probably I'm not doing something right).
> I welcome any comments on applications that provide privacy when
> surfing the web. I'm interested in applications that update a list of
> proxies automatically and will connect you to each of them. I'm
> talking about some sort of client like SocksChain that you can install
> on your desktop and will then do the job, rather than cgi proxies
> [http://www.freeproxy.ru/en/free_proxy/cgi-proxy.htm] or public lists
> [http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html]
> Regards,
> pagvac
> --
> pagvac (Adrian Pastor)
> www.ikwt.com - In Knowledge We Trust
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