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Re: [Full-disclosure] Good proxy chaining applications


ProxyChain has been recently released and I've been using it for quite
some time now. Most interesting option (to me) it's the ability to use
it as a nc "replacement" (directly from the command line) or use it from
any other application (it can bind to a local port).

Check it out at http://freshmeat.net/projects/proxychain/

Best regards,

El vie, 30-12-2005 a las 10:35 +0100, pagvac escribió:
> Happy holidays to everyone who is subscribed to the list!
> I'm interested in getting opinions from people that have experience
> using proxy chaining applications.
> Please, don't tell me to use Google. I've done so already! I *don't*
> want a compiled list of proxy chaining applications but rather advise
> from people that *have* actually used them.
> I've been playing with SocksChain [www.ufasoft.com/socks/] which
> supposedly allows you to choose the executable of your favorite
> browser (or any other app) and it will then "sock" it. In reality, my
> IP address was still showing [http://www.whatismyip.com/] after
> "socking" Firefox (probably I'm not doing something right).
> I welcome any comments on applications that provide privacy when
> surfing the web. I'm interested in applications that update a list of
> proxies automatically and will connect you to each of them. I'm
> talking about some sort of client like SocksChain that you can install
> on your desktop and will then do the job, rather than cgi proxies
> [http://www.freeproxy.ru/en/free_proxy/cgi-proxy.htm] or public lists
> [http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html]
> Regards,
> pagvac
> --
> pagvac (Adrian Pastor)
> www.ikwt.com - In Knowledge We Trust
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