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Re: [Full-disclosure] complaints about the governemnt spying!
- To: GroundZero Security <fd@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] complaints about the governemnt spying!
- From: Leif Ericksen <leife@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:36:18 -0600
Ah yes my archaic thinking bites me the the ASS often ;)... I know
that there are those out there that follow what I am saying and are most
likely ROTFL. Then there are the shallow minded folks that can not
follow me at all. GroundZero You seem to have followed some of the
archaic thoughts, and pointed it out. AS such you are on the deep end
of the pool. ;)
One has to think am I an Idiot? Am I trying to get my message out to
fast and not reviewing what I say, am I lysDexic? or Am I simply messing
with shallow minded folks on an issue that has many faces. That I will
leave up to the reader.
How many people out there believe or feel that we as a WORLD our headed
to a time when we may be unified or a large section of the world will be
unified under one controlling source? (Do not laugh, it in part has
started the Euro would be an example of that.) In order for something
like this to take place we are going to see an event that is truly earth
shattering, an event with such political and socio-economic upheaval
that that makes everybody in the world demand a solution. Somebody that
is very convincing plan comes up and world unification comes about. At
that you are issued a citizenship number for the unified world. This
number as it turns out will dictate where you are in society and what
you are allowed to buy, sell, work or what not. I see such a time
coming. I hope I am not there for it. If you want to complain about
the control an snooping that goes on now. Just wait it will get far
worse before it gets better.
Now, am I messing with people am I serious, or am I just another wacko
or some sort of visionary.
It is plain and simple we live in a world where the government's U.S.
and others do spy on peoples net traffic. crying foul will not fix it.
Get in office or lobby complaints against the leaders to make it stop.
That is the only way. Otherwise it will continue to happen.
On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 18:28 +0100, GroundZero Security wrote:
> your last point was "*IF* you are not doing *nothing illegal* and have
> nothing to hide no big deal."
> thats what i responded on. try to stick to your points :-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Leif Ericksen" <leife@xxxxxxx>
> To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:08 PM
> Subject: [Full-disclosure] complaints about the governemnt spying!
> > I know I know I have the answer. May of you really do not understand
> > what I am saying.
> >
> > TO the point yes it is wrong, most people out there fail to understand
> > what I am saying since I am not being very direct and to the point. My
> > point is it is time to stop crying foul and do something about it.
> >
> > How about this if I setup a PayPal account how many people are willing
> > to donate money to my cause (I will take money from anybody). I will
> > run for Office and part of my promise will be to stop the US government
> > from spying on people (Sorry, I can not help you with your government if
> > you are not in the US, but I can try to build a diplomatic relationship
> > and end it).
> >
> > I feel that IF I set up the account and I can get at least $1 million US
> > in the account I will have enough money to get started on my campaign.
> >
> > My platform even though we should anticipate the government(s) to spy on
> > us when we send a packet out into the wild, and we want to go into
> > deepest Africa, the everglades of Florida or the LA swamps we can be
> > secure in that no hard will come to us. (Well I will have to pay a
> > political adviser to help me come up with a better platform so make that
> > 1.5Mil unless you want to run with me and are a US citizen) lets make it
> > our campaign!
> >
> >
> > Any takers?
> >
> > --
> > Leif Ericksen
> >
> >
> > --
> > Leif Ericksen <leife@xxxxxxx>
> >
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> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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> >
Leif Ericksen <leife@xxxxxxx>
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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