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Re: [Full-disclosure] Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove

As was stated in previous post Echelon is old news, even Carnivore was
supposedly dumped for newer technology.  As I stated in a previous
example the government can come in and request the keys if they need it.
If that story that my prof told the class in 1988 was true.  Now that
story supposedly took place a few years before that class. so lets say
that happened in 1982-198 is my best guess.

The key is monitoring is being done.  AS for the encryption. there are
some that would argue that any STRONG encryption that is allowed to
exist in the US ( PGP and the likes) has been modified by the NSA so
that they have a generic key that will open any door.  Otherwise the
creator of such encryption will disappear and never comeback.  IS this
true or is this just a silly story.  I do not know I have not invented
an encryption system.  I will let you know when I do if I am forced by
the government to give a cracking method.  ;)

If the stories of the government having a back door key are true then I
would be willing to bet that any technologically advance country would
subscribe to the same plan to protect their own interests.

Another thing to think about is just how many PRIMARY traffic points do
we have that a majority of the traffic goes through. Lets see in the US
we have MEA_EAT, MAE-WEST, MAE-CENTRAL, as well as others.
(what were the locations... Hendron, VA, Chicago, IL, LA, CA, Dalas, or
was it Huston TX. was there not near Central Florida?)

Lets look at the UFO thought here for a moment.  The governments deny
that they exist so people really think and believe that they do exist.
So much so that some are willing to put their lives at risk to break
through the Govs defenses to prove that they know Aliens do exist.
Well the harder we try to hide our data from the government the more
they are going to think that you are an entity that needs to be taken
down as a threat to the government be the government US, UK, Sweden,
Norway, China, Japan, N/S Korea, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, Africa.
and down under.  Yes, I missed just a few I am to lazy to list all of

Now making complaints and noise about the problem is not going to do
anything abut it.  IF you know the problem exists and you have an answer
start fighting in it a good way.  Run for office on a platform to stop
government spying.  If it is a national platform in the US I am willing
to give you my vote.  I hope you will give me yours..  All the emails
they can not do that is just noise white noise at that.  Until you start
running for an office or even write your congress folks letting them
know how pissed off you are and that they are not going to get your vote
they do not care.

What I want to know is how do I start running for office in the US?  I
would not mind becoming part of the government so that I could help form
a new direction that is less invasive to the peoples privacy.  I am not
a Yale, or Harvard grad I do not belong to Skull and bones, or the
Masons, or the Lions, or even the Illuminati so how do I get in on a
national ticket?

Leif Ericksen
PS... This may seem contrary to some of my older posts...  But I am
putting more into it now.  Rather than just stop crying foul since
nobody asked what should I do..  They said I missed the point but in
reality they missed the point.  They point is there is nothing that can
be done by crying about it.  It takes action, and using encryption will
not do it if you are of the school that believes the government(s) have
a back door key.  Action is required but crying about it is going to do
nothing again it is white noise.  Become A Klaxon, and write to your
government officials with a strong voice, or try to become one of the
government officials.  for those of us in the US at least at present if
we disagree with our elected leaders we can not be shot, but I am sure
that day is coming if we stay on our current glide path.

On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 03:04 -0200, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 10:11:45PM -0600, Leif Ericksen wrote:
> > Really if we have nothing to hide we should not fear them listening to
> > us.  Now if they come in and start forcing a special mark or code word
> > or something special in order to live or buy or sell anything then it is
> > time to revolt.
> Now, that is an interesting view of someone who really is not paying
> attention.
> What would you qualify as "something to hide" ? How about my banking
> account data ? How about the trade secrets of my company ?
> Well, how can I be sure they are not giving or selling this data to
> someone else, maybe one of the corporations that are financing political
> campains ?
> Would you mind of other governments started listening to your conversation ?
> What about other governments listening to conversations from USA
> corporations ?
> Just because people has something to hide that doesn't mean they are
> terrorists, doesn't mean they are a threat to the USA, and doesn't
> mean some half-brain USA President can authorize their comunications
> monitored.
> - -- 
> Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur"
> "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFDsMtQpdyWzQ5b5ckRAglaAKCV4zfib1mXOzgxGMwJAPrVFWZmBgCePrMf
> Il5VDyGO2/D9B1qKqgYeXcc=
> =LpVf
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Leif Ericksen <leife@xxxxxxx>

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