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Re: [Full-disclosure] .An uncontrolled fiscal crisis.. America.s future under George Bush.

quoth the senator.crabgrass@xxxxxxxxxxx:
> J A (Jack Ass) If the NYT went out of business today would you loose all
> reference to what is real? Read the Post Dude.
> With silver spoon growing up under mommies wing in Battery Park Plaza, I
> guess Starret City in the Bronx was too polluted, so you privileged
> bastards chose another land fill to live on, better start those PSA tests
> today,  your obvious politico paranoia is influencing your judgment.
> WE ARE AT WAR Douche BAG.  I suppose you think its ok for IRAN to Develop
> Nuclear power? Or continue to buy a delivery System from Russia (Oh right,
> that?s just for defense) CAN YOU SAY DIRTY BOMB?

I am loathe to contribute to this OT thread, but I just wanted to mention that 
as a non-American, I am much more fearful of actions from the US than 
Iraq/Iran/dirkadirkastan etc etc...

Why is it OK for the US to stockpile nukes, and invade sovereign nations at 
will, but no one else? Oh yeah, because the US is savior of the world right?
Because US is the biggest and baddest and can impose their will on anyone.
This is the reason so many non-Americans hate the US so much, and I'm not just 
talking terrorists here. 

Trust me, I am not alone in thinking that the current Bush administration is 
just as dangerous as anyone in Iran/Iraq. And this war you're at right now, 
it was started on the most specious of pretexts to forward GWB's own agenda.  

But then, I'm just one of those hippy liberal douchebags that thinks that 
_nobody_ should have nukes.  Flame away buddy, enjoy it while you still have 
some freedom in that country you love so much, because it won't last long.

The decline of freedom in the US has started to move downhill at an 
exponential rate since GWB took (and by 'took' I mean rigged) that first 
election ~6 years ago...

I encourage all Americans who still have free will to take action against 
their oppressors. A definition of facism:

>Fascism is commonly defined as an open terror-based dictatorship which is:
>Reactionary: makes policy based upon current circumstances rather than 
creating policies to prevent problems; piles lies and misnomers on top of 
more lies until the truth becomes indistinguishable, revised or forgotten.

>Chauvinistic: Two or more tiered legal systems, varying rights based upon 
superficial characteristics such as race, creed and origin.

>Imperialist elements of finance capital: Extending a nation's authority by 
territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political 
domination of one state over its allies.

Seems to fit the current Bush administration quite well.

See you in hell...

> Or maybe Saddam would have let us tromp through his country, what's the
> magic word (PLEASE),  to get to the Bio-Weapon making cell in the North of
> Iraq.  Do you need another major event to wake you up? WTC 1992, was the
> wake-up, WTC 2001 got our attention, and what the future holds I am not
> sure, get your crystal ball polished up sweetheart, its coming, make sure
> you stand and rotate to get that even all over tan.
> So what a few identified sympathizers were tagged, by the NSA, maybe a
> warrant wasn?t sought, cause a press scoop wasn?t needed by your beloved
> NYT.  You have no facts, just liberal out lash.  Are you going to save us?
> Do you have your NBC suit ready?
> You should take a bigger dose of those Meds, relax, A Dem will get in
> office next time, and fuck things up worse.  George may be an idiot, but he
> is a predictable idiot.
> --
> vote for me

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