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RE: [Full-disclosure] .An uncontrolled fiscal crisis.. America.s futureunder George Bush.
- To: "'J.A. Terranson'" <measl@xxxxxxx>, "'Full-Disclosure'" <Full-Disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] .An uncontrolled fiscal crisis.. America.s futureunder George Bush.
- From: "Dennis Henderson" <hendo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 07:20:55 -0600
<Spraying Full can of Bullshit Repellent on this>.
Total crap..
If you believe any of this, you probably day-trade your 401k...
Move on people... Nothing to see here...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.A. Terranson [mailto:measl@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 2:26 AM
> To: Full-Disclosure
> Subject: [Full-disclosure] .An uncontrolled fiscal crisis..
> America.s futureunder George Bush.
> While we're debunking George...
> http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Apr05/Whitney0411.htm
> The Economic Tsunami: Sooner Than You Think by Mike Whitney
> www.dissidentvoice.org April 11, 2005
> Send this page to a friend! (click here)
> .If the world's central bankers accumulate fewer dollars, the
> result would be an unrelenting American need to borrow in the
> face of an ever weaker dollar -- a recipe for higher interest
> rates and higher prices. The economic repercussions could
> unfold gradually, resulting in a long, slow decline in living
> standards. Or there could be a quick unraveling, with the
> hallmarks of an uncontrolled fiscal crisis..
> -- New York Times editorial, 4/2/05
> It seems that there are a growing number of people who
> believe, as I do, that the economic tsunami planned by the
> Bush administration is probably only months away. In just
> five short years the national debt has increased by nearly $3
> trillion while the dollar has continued its precipitous
> decline. The dollar has fallen a whopping 38% since Bush took
> office, due largely to the massive $450 billion per year tax
> cuts. At the same time, numerous laws have been passed
> (Patriot Act, Intelligence Reform Bill, Homeland Security
> Bill, National ID, Passport requirements etc) anticipating
> the need for greater repression when the economy takes its
> inevitable nosedive. Regrettably, that nosedive looks to be
> coming sooner rather than later.
> The administration is currently putting as much pressure as
> possible on OPEC to ratchet up the flow of oil another 1
> million barrels per day (well over capacity) to settle down
> nervous markets and buy time for the planned bombing of Iran
> in June. Like Fed Chief Alan Greenspan.s artificially low
> interest rates, the manipulation of oil production is a way
> of concealing how dire the situation really is. Rising prices
> at the pump signal an upcoming recession (depression?) so the
> administration is pulling out all the stops to meet the
> short-term demand and maintain the illusion that things are
> still okay. (Bush would rather avoid massive popular unrest
> until his battle plans for Iran are carried out)
> But, of course, things are not okay. The country has been
> intentionally plundered and will eventually wind up in the
> hands of its creditors as Bush and his lieutenants planned
> from the very beginning. Those who don.t believe this should
> note the methodical way that the deficits have been produced
> at (around) $450 billion per year; a systematic and orderly
> siphoning off of the nation.s future. The value of the dollar
> and the increasing national debt follow exactly the same
> (deliberate) downward trajectory.
> This same Ponzi scheme has been carried out repeatedly by the
> IMF and World Bank throughout the world; Argentina being the
> last dramatic illustration. (Argentina.s economic collapse
> occurred when its trade deficit was running at 4%; right now
> ours is at an unprecedented 6%.) Bankruptcy is a fairly
> straightforward way of delivering valuable public assets and
> resources to collaborative industries, and of annihilating
> national sovereignty. After a nation is successfully driven
> to destitution, public policy decisions are made by creditors
> and not by representatives of the people. (Enter Paul Wolfowitz)
> Did Americans really believe they could avoid a similar fate?
> If so, they.d better forget about it, because the hammer is
> about to come down big-time, and the collateral damage will be huge.
> The Bush administration is mainly comprised of
> internationalists. That doesn.t mean that they .hate
> America,. simply that they are committed to bringing America
> into line with the .new world order. and an economic regime
> that has been approved by corporate and financial elites alike.
> Their patriotism extends no further than the garish
> tri-colored flag on their lapel. The catastrophe that middle
> class Americans face is what these elites breezily refer to
> as .shock therapy.: a sudden jolt, followed by fundamental
> changes to the system. In the near future we can expect tax
> reform, fiscal discipline, deregulation, free capital flows,
> lowered tariffs, reduced public services, and privatization.
> In other words, a society entirely designed to service the
> needs of corporations.
> There are a number of signs that the economy is close to
> meltdown-stage.
> Even with cheap energy, low interest rates and $450 billion
> in borrowed revenue pumped into the system each year, the
> economy is still barely treading water. This has a lot to due
> with the colossal shifting of wealth brought on by the tax
> cuts. Supply side, trickle down theories have been widely
> discredited and Bush.s tax cuts have done nothing to
> stimulate the economy as promised. Now, with oil tilting
> towards $60 per barrel, the economic landscape is changing
> quickly, and shock waves are already being felt throughout
> the country.
> The Iraq war has contributed considerably to our current
> dilemma. The conflict has taken nearly one million barrels of
> Iraqi oil per day off line (the exact amount that the
> administration is trying to replace by pressuring OPEC). In
> other words, the astronomical prices at the pump are the
> direct result of Bush.s war. The media has failed to report
> on the negative affects the war has had on oil production,
> just as they have obscured the incredibly successful
> insurgent strategy of destroying pipelines. This isn.t a
> storyline that plays well to the American public, who
> expected that Iraq would be paying for its own reconstruction by now.
> Instead, the resistance is striking back at the empire.s
> Achilles heel (America.s need for massive amounts of cheap
> oil) and it's having a damaging affect on the US economy.
> Just as the economy cannot float along with sharp increases
> in oil prices, so too Bush.s profligate deficits threaten the
> dollar.s status as the world.s reserve currency. This is much
> more serious than a simple decline in the value of the
> dollar. If the major oil producers convert from the dollar to
> the euro, the American economy will sink almost overnight. If
> oil is traded in euros then central banks around the world
> would be compelled to follow and America will be required to
> pay off its enormous
> $8 trillion debt. That, of course, would be doomsday for the
> American economy. But, a recent report indicates that
> two-thirds of the world.s 65 central banks have already
> .begun to move from dollars to euros.. The Bush plan to
> savage the dollar has been telegraphed around the world and,
> as the New York Times says, .the greenback has nowhere to go
> but down..
> There.s only one thing that the administration can do to
> ensure that energy dealers keep trading in dollars.control
> the flow of oil. That means that an attack on Iran is nearly
> a certainty.
> The difficulties facing both the dollar and the economy are
> not insurmountable. The world has been more than willing to
> compensate for America.s wasteful spending as long as America
> shows itself to be a responsible steward of the global
> economy. However, the administration.s military and economic
> recklessness suggests that some of the key players on the
> world stage (particularly Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Germany,
> France, China, Brazil) are collaborating on an alternate
> plan, a contingency plan.
> If Iran is bombed in an unprovoked act of aggression, we will
> certainly see this plan activated. The most likely scenario
> would be a quick switch to the euro that would have grave
> implications for the American economy (Russia has already
> indicated that it will do this). For Iran, an attack would
> justify arming disparate terrorist organizations with the
> weaponry they need to attack American and Israeli interests
> wherever they may be.
> In any event, an unprovoked attack will dispel the remaining
> illusions about Bush.s war against terror and confirm to
> everyone that we are engaged in a new world war; a conflict
> for global domination.
> Tough Years Ahead
> The neoliberal chickens have come home to roost. America has
> become the latest staging ground for the eccentric economic
> policies of the Washington Consensus. The towering national
> debt coupled with the staggering trade deficits have put the
> nation on a precipice and a seismic shift in the fortunes of
> middle-class Americans is looking more likely all the time.
> The New York Times summarized the country.s prospects like this:
> .The economic repercussions could unfold gradually, resulting
> in a long, slow decline in living standards. Or there could
> be a quick unraveling, with the hallmarks of an uncontrolled
> fiscal crisis..
> .An uncontrolled fiscal crisis.. America.s future under George Bush.
> We are facing years of collective struggle ahead. If there.s
> a quick fix, I have no idea what it might be.
> Mike Whitney lives in Washington state, and can be reached at:
> fergiewhitney@xxxxxxxx
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