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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Clips] A small editorial aboutrecentevents.(fwd)

You just hit the nail right on the head!

You CANNOT blame everything on 1 person - including George W. Bush.

Our "system" absolutely did fail - there is no excusing that fact. There is also no excusing the ignorance of people that want to blame all of the world's woes on George W. Bush.

As far as the reason it failed (using the hurricane example that you brought up), let's examine some history. Prior to World War I, there was a country-state called Bavaria - you might know where it is. Bavaria had its own king, it's own military, and its own laws. What would have happened if some German leader invaded Bavaria to solve a problem? Now, in modern days, we have a state called Louisiana. It has its own governor, its own military, and its own laws. Louisiana had a natural disaster, and their governor refused all help from the Federal government. The governor's staff also refused all offers for help. The Federal government did not invade Louisiana because the governor and her staff flatly denied that they needed any help. Meanwhile, the governor of Louisiana and her staff were allowing their constituents to die.

If you are complaining that the Federal government violated the law and conducted illegal wiretaps, please explain why it would have been okay for the Federal government to break the law by invading Louisiana and taking over relief operations?

Sorry if this seems simplistic to you, but if the action saves lives, I'm not really going to cry too much about the government breaking a few occasional laws. I don't like it, but I understand why it is sometimes necessary. And by the way, I believe that President Bush should have militarized New Orleans when the mayor ignored the signs that the hurricane was going to strike his city. The mandatory evacuation should have been enforced by the military, and quite a few less people would have died.

And had he done that, the liberals would very likely now be asking whether or not it was legal for him to have done so. For the people that hate President Bush, nothing he does or does not do will be acceptable. It's as simple as that.


On Dec 18, 2005, at 11:48 PM, GroundZero Security wrote:

i doubt that you can blame all on 1 or 2 persons and especially when a disaster is
happening. isnt it sad if your gov can help its military units in 24 hrs anywhere in the world
but it takes more than 6 days for normal people right inside the country ?
making up execuses wont help this was simply a failure of your system.

what about the help germany offered ?
your gov was rude and didnt even answer us. we offered help the first day.
without your answer we sent water cleaning devices with ships, but still
after 6 days you didnt care about them.

your not funny with your sarcasm ..but hey i wouldnt be surprised if your gov caused
such a disaster with one of their stupid tests to mess with the weather by shooting microwaves
or something into the ionosphere. they admited that they dont know what could happen. nice one.
wasnt it HAARP ? i'v been reading about it a while ago but i dont really remember.
i'm not saying that this happened or anything but research is done.
actually would be really funny if they caused it themselfs and i wouldnt be surprised.
but hey lets forget about this and go back to the original topic, shall we ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jamie C. Pole" <jpole@xxxxxxxx>
To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] [Clips] A small editorial aboutrecentevents.(fwd)

Our Federal government cannot enter a disaster area unless invited by the governor of the state. In the case of Katrina, the governor was more concerned with getting re-elected than she was with saving her constituents. Her recently-disclosed email messages prove this. Also, the mayor ordered a mandatory evacuation (when it was too late to enforce), but most people didn't leave. If you place yourself in harms way, is it the government's responsibility to extricate you?

The head of FEMA was a bonehead, but that problem has been fixed.
Are you now going to tell me that the US Army Corps of Engineers went
into New Orleans to blow holes in the levees? Or maybe we caused
hurricane Katrina with our special nuclear-powered hurricane- generators?

Just checking...


On Dec 18, 2005, at 10:56 PM, GroundZero Security wrote:

lol you mean the RAF stuff ? that was ages ago and we learned from
that. or in the 70s at olympia.
sure that was bad since we didnt even have special forces as we
werent used to terrorists or war anymore
we usually dont bother about such things. usa is mainly focused on
war industry though

ok sorry i didnt finish this. i didn't have much sleep last night so execuse me please.

what i missed is that we didnt have special forces but we have some
now. and i'm very confident they would do a good job.
also if we have a disaster we dont have to wait 6 days for help to
arrive i trust my gov on that. i feel pretty save also "if"
a terrorist attack would happen we surely would not invade a
country. unless that countries gov is attacking us.

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