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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Clips] A small editorial about recent events.(fwd)

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, Jamie C. Pole wrote:

> I'm not a blind apologist that is willing to defend everything that
> has been done,

Um, excuse me - but that is *exactly* what you just did.

> but if you want to go down that road, Germany is not
> entirely innocent of human rights violations.

We're not talking about Germany.  We're talking about the
[formerly free but currently occupied] United States.

> I translate documents for historians, and I can promise that Germany
> has done far worse things.  We are not looking for leibensraum - we
> are just looking to be safe.
> Given the history of terrorist activity in Germany, I'm really
> surprised that you feel the way you do - your government is
> benefitting from the intelligence that is being gathered as well.
> Thankfully, Ms. Merkel seems to understand that.

And here you are doing it again.  Do you even listen to what falls from
your lips???



J.A. Terranson

        Just once, can't we have a nice polite discussion about
        the logistics and planning side of large criminal enterprise?

        - Steve Thompson

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