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Re: [Full-disclosure] Looking for a job in OrangeCounty California, honestly
- To: InfoSecBOFH <infosecbofh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Looking for a job in OrangeCounty California, honestly
- From: Day Jay <d4yj4y@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 09:01:30 -0800 (PST)
I wish I could stoop to the name calling level right
now but im too tired cause I just woke up.
I am sooo broke, I'm saving money in a piggy bank to
go to defcon, If I hitchhike or start walking now, I
know I can get their in time. Or I can social engineer
my way onto a bus and hitch a ride. Or get a
skateboard and hang on the back like back to the
future-wait, I do have a skateboard! Yes@
I need chairity, vanity, sympathy and hiring. People
dont know how hard it is being as immature and know
best as me. Its very hard to be this immature and to
set myself up and open form flames to try tp flame me.
So I smoke cigs, and check out architecture for the d
core and pentium M, and am excited about the matest
Thanks to all of those who stooped to the level of
having my back, lol-allthough I am fully equipped with
normal weapons, I could always use intellectual and
emotional support.
I guess looking for a job means Im broke and dont have
checks/stocks/bonds/investments/part time work etc.
and am completely broke...I can deal with that. Why
would someone ever jump on a public forum like I do?
becuause I can. I'll take the heat. And I hope all
this gets archived!! SO people can see how immature I
am and laugh. Just call me patch adams and those who
love me, call me captain jack arrrh!!
BTW The Lion the witch and the wardrobe is the best
movie since the matrix!
--- InfoSecBOFH <infosecbofh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 12/7/05, Day Jay <d4yj4y@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I tried burger king and they racially
> discrimintated
> > against me cuz I am white so sorry.
> Burger King in New Orleans. They are begging for
> people, even the white ones.
> > Although working fast food has been a goal of mine
> > since they keep denying my applications, its too
> > smelly.
> Perhaps they deny your application because you are
> an idiot.
> > I would engage a flame war with you on this pubic
> list
> > but I'm not gay and don't like having gay sex nor
> do I
> > dress up as a woman and read this list. I'm
> speaking
> > for myself.
> But you do hang out in Hot Tub #2 at Defcon aka the
> Gay Tub.
> > As for the rest of the people, I'm not "begging"
> or
> > bragging, I think their may be someone out on the
> > internet with some heart if there are any left.
> :'(
> Yeah come on guys. Have a heart and give some script
> kiddie asshole
> who is a complete fuck up a job. Employers hire
> based on skill and
> pontential, not based on charity.
> > I'm saddened by the attitude of people sometimes.
> This
> > doesnt mean that I wouldnt seek them out at Defcon
> and
> > beat them down-physically.
> Oh cool! A threat that is impossible to back up.
> Listen shitstain,
> don't bother with lame threats to someone you don't
> know that will
> take place at an event you don't know if I attend
> that is almost a
> year away. Besides, unless someone starts paying
> you to suck dick,
> how are you going to get your broke unemployeed ass
> there? With
> raising gas prices, you are a week away from living
> in a cardboard box
> on the streets of LA
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