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Re: [Full-disclosure] Famous n3td3v quotes - The Director's Cut (out now on DVD)

On 12/9/05, Steve Russell <steve_r125@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> "I have never hacked a computer, I am not a hacker."
> -n3td3v
> "XSS the planet !" -n3td3v   (this one is fake but i
> like it)
> "I don't feel the urgency to explain the complexed
> reasoning behind my postings"
> - n3td3v      (i love this one)
> "I'm not sure I know who my Mother is" - n3td3v
> "You complete wanna be loser who has never disclosed
> any vulnerabilities." -n3td3v
> "Have IM and E-mail contact with some of Yahoo's top
> security advisors
> and security engineers, then you can come back to this
> list and
> challenge me. FOOL!" - n3td3v
> "Google is in the hands of hackers" - n3td3v
> "Youre playing with fire. Fire that cannot be put out
> with words but
>  only inflame the situation of which you are
> misinformed."
> - n3td3v
> "How do you turn it on?" - n3td3v
> "No one has seen any vulnerabilities by you. You have
> no justification
>  to even being 100 miles near this list, let alone
> comment on other
>  people and their postings."
> - n3td3v    (this is one of my favorite, n3td0rk
> talking to himself)
> "Theres more to come in the future." - n3td3v
> "I've yet to work out what this is between my legs" -
> n3td3v
> "Extensive on hands hacker scene experience (6+ years)
> (Knowing your enemy) " - n3td3v
> "Once they patch a vulnerability, they can own me
> again! " - n3td3v
> "I continue to work with vendors on other issues which
> will never reach the public domain." - n3td3v
> "The situation will be monitored closely over the
> weekend." - n3td3v
> "I know many species of floppy disk" - n3td3v
> "I continue to keep in contact with employees to
> monitor the situation in conjunction with my own honey
> data." - n3td3v
> "they might learn something or something." - n3td3v
> "I had to backstab some folks I had been be friending
> to bring this about, but who care about that?" -
> n3td3v
> "The fact I can convince people that i'm of a certain
> nature then change that at anytime brings the quality
> and skill i've been using for years to detect evil
> peoples and to be friend them within internet
> communities... I guess thats what keeps me ticking." -
> n3td3v
> "Did you know that yahoo is a kind of greeting
> elsewhere in the world, no of course you didn't" -
> n3td3v
> "He must have thought I was some kind of wanna be
> hacker. Thats obviously the impression I bring across
> and can only really blame myself." - n3td3v
> (Laugh? I think I've ruptured major organs...)
> "Your Firefox tabs were also giving clues away about
> inside Yahoo." - n3td3v (someone we know well doesn't
> use nightly dev builds...)
> "There is no option to disable the spam being sent to
> our mail boxes." - n3td3v (bow to your master! ROFL)
> "It takes that cutting edge and natural hacker
> instinct way of thinking to keep in with the bad guys
> to gathering intelligence on whats going on"
> - n3td3v (Major organ rupture part 2)
> "Have you got DOS on your box?" - n3td3v
> "Pressure mounts as peoples keep approaching offering
> jobs into MI5/NISCC. Looks like i've been noticed." -
> n3td3v (Major organ rupture part 3)
> "Bugtraq decided to reject my advisory for some
> strange reason" - n3td3v
> "Trust me, if you want to be rude, i'll be rude back
> to you, and if you keep doing it, i'll make sure this
> website gets hacked."
> - n3td3v (BigBlueBall's got a bigger set than you
> kid...)
> ___________________________________________________________
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> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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These made me giggle.  good show :)

Nick Hall
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/