On Tue, 06 Dec 2005 05:31:02 GMT, mary said:
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Technica Forensis wrote:
what are floppies formatted with, again? as bad as FAT is, it's
hardly outdated.
depends on the OS...
You find a random floppy during a search of an office, and start doing
forensics on it, there's a 95% chance it's from a Windows box. And if it's
from a Mac or Linux box, there's *still* a very good chance that it's FAT,
simply because the floppy was used for sneakernet transfer to something that
prefers FAT format floppies....
IBM's AIX boxes don't run anything resembling Windows, and they're Power based
not x86 based, but the microcode updates for them use FAT-formatted floppies.