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Re: [Full-disclosure] Spoof tricks & Tips ?

On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 17:44:03 -0800
Mark Sec <mark.sec@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Alo folks,
> Well, im testing a servers and i need to scan all the ports evading IDS ,
> IPS, i dont want to see my IP real
> e.g spoof scan with Nmap
> nmap -v -n -sT -P0 -e eth0 -p
> 21,22,23,25,111,135,139,445,443,1433,1434,1521,2301, -S
> Or my little script:
> =========cut here================================
> #spoof addres that u want
> spoofed=0.0.0
> # target to scan
> target=
> #  target is the host to be scanned
> port=1
> #  port will be incremented 1-1024
> saddr=2
> # saddr is the starting host of the spoofed address
> while [ $port -lt 1024 ]
> do
> #nc -vv -u  -w10 -n -z -s 0.0.0.${saddr}  $target $port
> # or
> sleep 2
> nmap -v -n -sT -P0 -e eth0 -p $port -S ${spoofed}.${saddr}  $target
> port=`expr $port + 1`
> saddr=`expr $saddr + 1`
> if [ $saddr -gt 254 ]
>         then
>         saddr=2
>         fi
> done
> exit
> =============cute here==========================
> Does anyone have more tricks, tips, shell scripts to scan and hiding-evading
> IDS, IPS the real IP ?
> - Mark :-)

nmap supports Zombie-Scan and also FTP-Bounce-Scanning.
And the -D Option should be helpfull too...

You should just care that the port dosn't transfere a lot traffic

Another neat trick is passiv Port-Identification by simply just
sniffing the traffic. But you've to wait until somebody made a

If you choose the -T1 option for the timing: Generating a new valid
Mac-Adress every 5 Minutes is maybe also helpfull.
But this could be detected (but I never saw such a paranoid setting).

You maybe also wont scan with nmap because nmap-Scans are easy to
detect. And reducing the ports to e.g. just 3 or 5 (for one
scan-session, you can do serval and everytime a break between them)
would also help because then you can do a Full-Connect Scan to avoid
the Detection of SYN-Scans.

Just some ideas :-)

Kind regards,
God did a bless on me,
So accapt the dark side in you.
Hate leads me to victory, so give me a war.

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