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RE: [Full-disclosure] Most common keystroke loggers?
- To: "'Blue Boar'" <BlueBoar@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <sjohnston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Most common keystroke loggers?
- From: "Debasis Mohanty" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 01:53:09 +0530
-----Original Message-----
From: Blue Boar
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 12:15 AM
To: sjohnston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Most common keystroke loggers?
Shannon Johnston wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for input on what you all believe the most common
> keystroke loggers are. I've been challenged to write an authentication
> method (for a web site) that can be secure while using a compromised
>> If, for some reason, you only care about the case where a "keylogger" is
>> then you can go with some scheme like making the user pick numbers of a
>> keypad on the screen, with the mouse.
"Security" and "randomly-scrambled online keypad" are mutually exclusive ;-)
>> Note, however, that "keyloggers" that grab some portion of the screen
surrounding the
>> mouse pointer every time you click have already been observed in the
wild. They are
>> designed to specifically defeat this kind of mechanism.
I posted a similar but yet an effective way of snatching the user
credentials directly from the input boxes while the user key'n them in a
pre-compromised box. The method shown is bit effective compared to the
screenshot grabbers in the sense that it directly get the clear text and the
***** text from the inputbox directly and donsn't save it until the user
submit the form.
The PoC (defeat-citibank-vk.zip) was created to defeat the virtual keyboard
concept of Citi-Bank used world wide. It can be downloaded from the
following link - http://www.hackingspirits.com/vuln-rnd/vuln-rnd.html .
Presently, the PoC wont work as CitiBank has made little changes in its site
after the release of the PoC.
- D
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