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RE: [Full-disclosure] Windows 2003 Logging/Log Analysis Tool

Another good option that's also quite cheap is event reporter clients and kiwi 
syslog server have used this previously for centralising windows event logs.

These can also filter at the client and server side so you see only relevant 


-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of MadHat
Sent: 17 November 2005 16:46
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Windows 2003 Logging/Log Analysis Tool

On Nov 17, 2005, at 10:34 AM, John Goh wrote:
> Hi all
> Hope to get suggestions on log analysis softwares.
> I'm looking for recommendation on what are the better log analysis 
> softwares around that're capable of generating good logs for;
> IIS 6.0
> NetApp NetCache 5.x
> Microsoft ISA RRAS
> Are there also Log Agents available for System so that all the logs 
> are contributed to a Centralized Log Server?

"Log analysis" is vague, there are several aspects to log analysis, but as far 
as ways of getting the data to a central server and watching for specific 
events, I like snare and sec.


SEC (simple event correlator):

MadHat (at) Unspecific.com, CĀ²ISSP
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