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Re: [Full-disclosure] [FLSA-2005:158801] Updated bzip2 packages fix security issues

Rembrandt wrote:

On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 21:29:16 -0500
Byron Sonne <blsonne@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Could you please stop mailing your Bug-Fix-Reports aka "Package xyz
updated" to the Full*-Mailinglist?

Then you need to run off and start your own list. Funny to see you complain about something that is useful (at least to some), and not about the moronic "flag"-waving that has been going on the past couple of days by the netdev creature. BTW, authorities at Yahoo have been notified; times will become more interesting for him.

I don't find those mailings objectionable. I think this is an appropriate forum.

I think this list should be usefull (like "old" bugtraq "int he good
old time") to exchange knowledge about a lot topics except PATCHES for
one specific OS/Distri.

We like this list the way it is; Full Disclosure means just that. If you don't like drinking from the firehose, Kurt's list is over there->

There other mailinglists (mostly provided by the Projects or Vendors)
for such things. And YES I belive that every Admin wich uses e.g.
Fedora reads also the mailinglists where patches could be announced.

Not everyone on here is an administrator (of any kind), nor are they necessarily interested in following all the distros for Linux, SCO, Solaris, MacOS, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, LynxOS, OpenVMS... You get the picture. It all happens here, sonny.

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