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Re: [Full-disclosure] Spamcop automated reporting script...

> Just to make sure that you have understood clearly I already have
> A special mailbox on the mail server that forwards the spam to spamcop
> As an attachment and spamcop responds with a URL that the user has to
> click to complete the spam reporting.
> This clicking process is what I am trying to automate. So may I ask

The reason that is done is to stop people from automating it, these are
valued higher than automated entries because they require an actual human to
file them. The spammers try to automate as well in an attempt to screw up
spamcop by filing valid emails.

Why don't you contact Julian Haight over at spamcop and talk to him
explaining what you have there and see if you can work with him to automate
the way these get filed. I've found he's very smart when it comes to spam
and either he'll give you a way to do it or explain to you why it's a bad


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