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Re: [Full-disclosure] New (19.10.05) MS-IE Url Spoofing bug (by K-Gen).

Hello, Nick FitzGerald!

On 21.10.2005 11:15 you wrote:

Cross-platform code (remove line breaks to test):
<a href="http://www.microsoft.com"; onclick="self.location.href='http://www.google.com/';return false;">Microsoft</a>
Works OK in MSIE 6.0/Win2003 SP1 fully patched, Mozilla 1.7.12, Opera 8.50.
In my Win2KSP4+, Mozilla 1.0.7 it doesn't work
Do you mean Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7?
Had you removed line breaks (there must be a space between "return" and
Had you allowed JavaScript in your browser?

I tested the code in FF 1.0.7 on fully patched Win2K SP4 UR1. It works.

Raoul Nakhmanson-Kulish,
Elfor Soft Ltd.,
IT Department

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