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Re: [Full-disclosure] New (19.10.05) MS-IE Url Spoofing bug (by K-Gen).
- To: K-Gen Gen <alphakgen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] New (19.10.05) MS-IE Url Spoofing bug (by K-Gen).
- From: Mike Camden <mike.camden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 13:35:03 -0500
I thought this was by design since you may have a known url to go to but
only after some form of validation has been passed.
On 10/20/05, K-Gen Gen <alphakgen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> New (19.10.05) MS-IE Url Spoofing bug (by K-Gen).
> Gr337s .. I (K-Gen) have found a new (I think..) URL spoofing bug in IE.
> Affected : All MS-IE Browsers (Win XP SP2 as well).
> This allows a malicious website to host a specially crafted A HREF tag
> that shows to the user
> as a link to one location, but actually redirects to another. This can
> be used in Phishing scams
> and other malicious attacks.
> The basic idea here is to write a geniune <a href=""> </a>tag but
> include an onClick event handeler
> that will redirect (window.location="";) to another page. The next
> example won't work:
> <a href="http://microsoft.com"
> onClick="window.location='http://google.com';">Microsoft</a>
> Probably there is some protection in IE .. but not enough :)
> If we try the next thing:
> <a href="http://microsoft.com" onClick="alert()">Microsoft</a>
> An alert WILL pop-up before redirecting. The same thing will happen to
> the document.write("");
> method, it will execute before redirection.
> Hence, the next Proof of Concept:
> <a href="http://microsoft.com"
> onClick="document.write
> (unescape('%3cscript%3ewindow.location=%27http://google.com%27%3c/script%3e'))">Microsoft</a>
> Put the code into an HTML page and see for yourself. In the status bar
> and in the properties the
> link appears as http://microsoft.com , but if you click on the link it
> will redirect you to
> http://google.com .
> I used unescape becuse characters like < > and ' cause run-time errors...
> This is not extremely critical as the old %01@ bug (That still works
> on my IE sp1 :lol:), becuase
> It does not obscure the real link in the Address bar, but i bet there
> will be a PoC for this one too, sooner or later...
> Have a Nice Day.
> K-Gen
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