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Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP Safedir Restriction Bypass Vulnerabilities


> In reguads to the the curl, I have just checked all the php curl code
> this was fixed in 4.3.10 from what i can see, because i wrote a patch
> to stop the openbase dir in curl until php fixed it, i submited it
> along time ago but the php dev's were all "blah blah blah 3rd party
> software blah blah not our problem"

Just because you close one (more) file:// hole with a patch, you do not
solve the 3rd party library problem. As long you have CURL compiled with
file:// support you can bypass safe_mode/open basedir in PHP. There are
enough hidden features in libcurl that allow to feed it with file://
URLs without PHP ever knowing about it.

Just face it safe_mode is not safe, was never and will never be. It is
simply impossible for an application to put access control restrictions
over (hidden) features of 3rd party libraries, that are not exported.
And with PHP6 safe_mode, register_globals and all the crap will most
probably disappear.


 Stefan Esser                                               sesser@xxxxxxx
 Hardened-PHP Project                         http://www.hardened-php.net/

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