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Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft EFS

Look this (small guide to crack, not overwrite, cached domain password)


El Miércoles, 12 de Octubre de 2005 13:19, Fco. Jose Garrido Matamoros 
> Sorry for my english! I don't understand "nounce" password.
> You can try to crack the cached domain/active directory password (if the
> CachedLogonCounts isn't set to 0).
> Best regards
> El Martes, 11 de Octubre de 2005 19:03, Dyke, Tim escribió:
> > > The DEFAULT recovery agent is the Administrator, on the other hand you
> >
> > always
> >
> > > can to decrypt the data from the userX login like that userX; So crack
> >
> > the
> >
> > > password or overwrite it off-line (the same for the delegated recovery
> > >
> > > agent).
> >
> > Tom wrote"
> > be careful:
> >
> > overwriting the pw offline will work with efs on w2k.
> > it will not work with winxp/2003: you cant access any efs-data after
> > resetting the password offline.
> >
> > you'll have to crack the usesrs or the admins pw and either logon
> > interactively or export their keys to get access to the efs-encrypted
> > data.
> >
> > Tom"
> >
> > Do you know how his will work for a machine that is part of a Domain?
> > Where there are no Local Users and the Default Recovery Agent is the
> > "Domain Admin"
> >
> > I know tht one can always hack the local admin PW, then unjoin the
> > domain, but where does that leave the machine.
> > Is there any way to hack the "nounce" PW?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Tim

Fco. Jose Garrido Matamoros
Ingeniero Sup. Telecomunicacion

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