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[Full-disclosure] Local suid files and buffer overflows

first of all apologies for asking such a newbie question but I am trying 
to learn how to exploit buffer overflows and therefore wrote a little 
program to exploit. This little program has the following permissions: 
$ ls -la test1 
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root root 17164 Oct  8 01:25 test1 
Now I exploited it using Aleph One's shellcode (see  
http://shellcode.org/shellcode/linux/null-free/) but I won't get a SUID 
shell afterwards (I know the exploit did work but I still have my normal 
user privleges). Why? I have tried a different shellcode to write a file 
and this file was root:root. Any ideas, hints, rtfm? 
Thank you. 
Best regards, 

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