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Re: [Full-disclosure] Compromising pictures of Microsoft Internet Explorer!

> Mr. Zalewski's statement about the undue burden that Microsoft's
> investigative processes place on the researcher is indeed accurate.  The
> only time I've had any success working with Microsoft was when the issue
> was a straightforward code execution scenario.  Oh wait... even then,
> I'm blown off.

the same here... when I mailed them about that COM-vulnerability in IE,
they came up with "this is not exploitable, bla.." after two weeks of
internal research
and all. having a bad morning anyway, I decided to post the advisory and
see, one day later there's a MS security advisory that "a COM object may
crash internet explorer" (however, they forgot to mention the public
bindshell exploit released by the fsirt).
now recently MS05-37 came out, which somehow doesn't include any credits
  or mention of the original advisory whatsoever (the reason for that
being, i presume, the lack of responsibility showed by us).
I think it's rather strange to hear a billion-dollar software monopolist
apply to my conscience like "look what you've done, you put our
customers at risk". they wouldn't give a lame cent on the security of
their customers if there wasn't a certain media hype about security.
they care for their image and stock index, and that's about it. and i
don't see why should be held responsible for that ;)



~  DI (FH) Bernhard Mueller
~  IT Security Consultant

~  SEC-Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH
~  www.sec-consult.com

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