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[Full-disclosure] [gentoo-announce] ERRATA: [ GLSA 200505-13 ] FreeRADIUS: SQL injection and Denial of Service vulnerability

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Gentoo Linux Security Advisory [ERRATA UPDATE]        GLSA 200505-13:02
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  Severity: Normal
     Title: FreeRADIUS: SQL injection and Denial of Service
      Date: May 17, 2005
   Updated: May 20, 2005
      Bugs: #91736
        ID: 200505-13:02

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This advisory incorrectly described FreeRADIUS versions as being
vulnerable to a remote compromise. After further verifications, it
appears to only result in potential Denial of Service. The SQL injection
issue is not affected by this. Many thanks to Nicolas Baradakis for
bringing this to our attention.

The corrected sections appear below.


The FreeRADIUS server is vulnerable to an SQL injection attack and a
buffer overflow, possibly resulting in disclosure and modification of
data and Denial of Service.

Affected packages

     Package                /  Vulnerable  /                Unaffected
  1  net-dialup/freeradius     < 1.0.2-r4                  >= 1.0.2-r4


Primoz Bratanic discovered that the sql_escape_func function of
FreeRADIUS may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow (BID 13541). He also
discovered that FreeRADIUS fails to sanitize user-input before using it
in a SQL query, possibly allowing SQL command injection (BID 13540).


By supplying carefully crafted input, a malicious user could cause an
SQL injection or a buffer overflow, possibly leading to the disclosure
and the modification of sensitive data or Denial of Service by crashing
the server.


All FreeRADIUS users should upgrade to the latest available version:

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-dialup/freeradius-1.0.2-r4"


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:



Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
security@xxxxxxxxxx or alternatively, you may file a bug at


Copyright 2005 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.


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