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Re: [Full-disclosure] Secunia published adviso withoutrespectingrelease date !

2 things i remind myself...

1) http://seclists.org/lists/vulndiscuss/2004/Dec/0006.html

2) This is an answer of Thomas before a disclosure of some vuln that Secunia found "at the same time" :

10/09/2004 19:40

Re: OpenOffice World-Readable Temporary Files Disclose Files to Local Users

Hi Jérôme,

This issue was originally discovered by Secunia on 16th August and
reported to the vendors.

Please do not forward to anyone else. The various vendors well release
updates on Wednesday in a co-ordinated disclosure.

Kind regards,


On Fri, 2004-09-10 at 17:31, jerome.athias@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 23:52:18 -0400
Subject: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=33357>
Reporter: pmladek
OS: Linux
Version: OOo 1.1.2
Summary: Insecure permissions on temporary files at runtime
When OOo is started, a directory /tmp/sv.tmp is created, where
RAND is a 3 character random string. The permissions of this directory allow other users (depending on the user's
umask) to 'cd' to this directory and list the contents.
Once a file is saved, a zipped file is created in /tmp/sv.tmp and the
name of the file follows the same convention. The permissions of the file
allow others (depending on the user's umask) to read the content.
Due to this any user can grab sensitive information of someother user.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Launch OpenOffice.
2. List /tmp contents. Locate the directory 'sv*.tmp'
3. Type in some contents in the document and save it.
4. List the contents of the directory /tmp/sv*.tmp/
5. Do not cl
ose OpenOffice. 'su' to a different user.
6. Copy the file under /tmp/sv*.tmp/ to home directory.
7. Use 'unzip' to unzip the files.
8. The file content.xml holds the data the user had just saved.
The workaround is to set more secure umask. The problem is that the users does
not know about it. Why should they need to set more strict umask if they save
its data in a directory which has the correct permissions. They do not expect

that there are any world-readable temporary data available somewhere on the system.

-- Kind regards,

Thomas Kristensen

Toldbodgade 37B
1253 Copenhagen K

Tlf.: +45 7020 5144
Fax:  +45 7020 5145

So, express your opinion, but either they want exclusivity, either they respect the majority of the time the "full-disclosure policy"

My 0,000001€


----- Original Message ----- From: "Xavier Beaudouin" <kiwi@xxxxxxx>
To: <ad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@class101.org>
Cc: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Secunia published adviso withoutrespectingrelease date !

This is usual with secunia..

I had at "bug" in a beta version of software and they "release" a
vulnerability to *all* version of this software
without even inform the maintainer (me) of this "pseudo advisory".

My thought with this guys are now : don't even trust them... They
push advisory without testing and respect the
usual way to inform developper as it should.

My 0,02€
Le 13 juil. 05 à 23:45, <ad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> <ad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Hash: SHA1

Then don't send to Secunia b4 the rls date ! HUH

- -----Message d'origine-----
De : full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:full- disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Eric Romang Envoyé : mardi 12 juillet 2005 21:09 À : support@xxxxxxxxxxx Cc : full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Eric Romang Objet : [Full- disclosure] Secunia published adviso without respectingrelease date !


This adviso are published on your website, but the patch are not
already ok.
I have contact upstream today, before you release the adviso, so they
could react.

As you  can see in the adviso, the release date was not given !!!!


You release adviso without respect the normal process to publish  adviso.

This guy is monitoring my /adviso/ folder.

I think this guy is working for you.

So please say to him to respect the normal process in a security


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