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RE: [Full-disclosure] Great application for the Pinnacle ShowCenter 200

Seriously Ed, is this a trolling attempt?..........

Edward Geraldino wrote--->
---> Subject: [Full-disclosure] Great application for the Pinnacle
---> ShowCenter
---> 200
---> I just setup a Pluto Home system (smarthome + media server,
---> plutohome.com,
---> free open source). It?s really cool. It has a streaming movie
---> server, music
---> server, PVR. Plus it does home automation and controls a/v
---> equipment too.
---> There?s only 1 problem?
---> You designate 1 PC to be the server; they call it the core. It
---> exposes a
---> network boot image for any other PC in the house, so your PC
---> becomes dual
---> purpose?normal PC, or net boot and it?s a set top box. You
---> control it with
---> Bluetooth mobile phones or web pads. And all the set top boxes
---> in the house
---> work together. Your media even follows you as you move from
---> room to room if
---> you keep the phone on. The problem is I don?t have enough
---> media PCs for all
---> the rooms in my house, and buying a full PC for each room is
---> too expensive.
---> Plus there?s no video cards for the PC that have component video
---> output?which is the only way I can get HDTV into my TV.
---> The Pinnacle seems perfect as a media director. Right now, you
---> can?t do a
---> lot with it. But if it worked as a media director, it would be
---> part of a
---> whole house solution that did everything. I could even use the
---> Pinnacle?s
---> menu to turn on my sprinklers if I wanted. Plus, since Pluto
---> gives it a
---> network boot image, space is no longer an issue?all the
---> software could be
---> stored on the main server. And the ShowCenter 200 has
---> component video and
---> it?s silent.
---> Does anybody have an idea if it would be possible to use the
---> ShowCenter 200
---> as a media director like that, doing a network boot? Then I
---> could just buy a
---> few of the Pinnacles rather than having to buy regular PCs.

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