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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: [VulnWatch] Microsoft Windows NTFS Information Disclosure

James Tucker wrote:

cacls *.chk /G administrator:F
in shared environments where for some reason your users have access to
their drives.

...which doesn't solve a thing.

That workaround won't impact anything. It will simply mark existing CHK files with that ACL. Any new ones that are created in the future will not have it. Generally, by the time you're executing that command, damage is already done.

In any case, .CHK files aren't any part of the exploit. To my knowledge, NTFS generates no such files (as file operations are journaled, and therefore, reversible if they aren't completed). Something is awry in the shutdown/recovery process of XP that causes it to append re-used and uninitialized disk or cache blocks to files open for write at shutdown. These files appear as *normal* files. I've seen this type of "garbage" (some of it in fact, very sensitive) in logs for IIS, for instance.

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