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Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP: Calendar Buffer Overflow


FistFucker [2005-06-27  7:02 +0200]:
>There are some nice sprintf()'s in "\ext\calendar\calendar.c":
>'sprintf(date, "%i/%i/%i", month, day, year);'
>Example exploitation (4.3.11):
> JDToGregorian(999999999);

Interesting that this works on Windows. I took a look at the code:

    pval **julday;
    int year, month, day;
    char date[10];
    sprintf(date, "%i/%i/%i", month, day, year);

    RETURN_STRING(date, 1);

The biggest string length I could get is 15 characters. That would
merely overflow into the "year, month, day" integers, but not even
close to the function's return address. 

Of course that is a bug that should be fixed in CVS head, but I think
it's not exploitable, so it does not require a security update as far
as I can see.

Thanks for the report,

Martin Pitt        http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntu.com
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org

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