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RE: [Full-disclosure] Intense School finally goes under, bought up by k-mart of security companies

Good day,

It is so easy to make statement and accusation behind the anonymous nickname
given by your Yahoo anonymous email service.  If only the accusation had
some basis and fact we might be tempted to listen and read them.  However in
this case it just seems that you have a grudge against Intense School for
whatever reason you are not saying or is it that your company did not get
bought but theirs did.

I have worked for and with Intense School.  I have trained dozens of
students on Ethical hacking and hundreds on the CISSP CBK.  I have seen very
talented students in every class and all of them had at least 3 years plus a
degree or 4 years of security experience to write the CISSP exam.  Every
single class there was at least a few students that have shown me something
I did not know.  Of course, according to your claim they are all dumb asses
and YOU ARE NOT.  I think there might be a few thousands peoples out there
that will disagree with you.

So what a great news: you just found out that there are US companies using
cheaper offshore services for US clients.  I don't think you announced
anything new here.  In fact even all of the people who you think are dumb
asses probably knew this since very long.  
Intense School has never claimed to by doing secure code for Microsoft or
helping them secure their code.  They have worked with some of Microsoft
most talented leaders in this field of expertise in order to work on a
secure coding class.  I doubt very much that Microsoft has ever sued Intense
School or else they would not be delivering classes for them worldwide as we
speak today.  But of course I might be wrong and just a dumb ass as well and
you are the one that is right.

The professional hacking class requires someone who has one year experience
in the field and some TCPIP knowledge.  It is a FOUNDATION class, not a
class that will show someone everything most people have learned in a
decade.  It shows them the basics; it shows them the steps according to the
OSSTMM framework.  It is not the default CEH package; it is a package that
was developed by me, John Nunes, and Jack Koziol.  Of course me, John, and
Jack are probably all dumb asses according to your standard and you are the
only one that is right.

The reference that you have given in Information Security magazine is first
of all 2 year old (in the very early days of the CEH and not applicable
today) and was written by Scott Sidel who could not even spell my name
right.  I have respect for Mr. Sidel but in this case he totally missed the
mark.  Scott was more worried about getting out of the classroom at 3 PM to
avoid end of day traffic than staying in class to do the labs and the red
team exercises where you really get to apply what you have learned and work
until 11 PM and sometimes later.   

As far as your personal attack on the CEO of the school, the departure of
Ron, and other fancies that you came up with about wives and mansion, I
think it is not even worth commenting, just like everything else above it is
dated and passé.  Live in today's world, you cannot change the past but can
most certainly improve your future.  If you have a beef with the management
of Intense School, address it with them directly and not behind an email
alias on a mailing list.

Best regards


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