Kristian Hermansen wrote:
I think I look pretty hot in that picture actually, but you sickly
emaciated Russian bastards must know it all.
I kinda agree with the comment from my fellow comrade.
Young spotty gay beatch playing kewl hax0rzz games, ha?
What's the matter? gay people make you feel nervous, hmmm? uneasy? An
undefinable sense of fear perhaps? Did you realise there are actually
Now... tell me more about your mother?
Returning to the topic - to the O.P. - Kristian, weren't you concerned
that you've posted prima facae evidence of attempted fraud and
whatever computer intrusion laws are applicable where you are? Didn't
it occur to you that the bank might just possibly have systems to flag
anomalous transactions, and that you might get the 5am alarm call
courtesy of your local filth?