Even though Slashdot is often joked about on the lists, I was
wondering if anyone has been experiencing similar scans from their IP
address and if so has anyone confirmed it to be them or is the source
address being spoofed?
The scans are directed at proxy services and Slashdot has recently
been getting crapflooded with anonymous posts made through open
proxies and is rumored to be banning the IP's of those proxies. Here
is an example:
Therefore it seems reasonable that the source of the scans is actually
Slashdot. If they are scanning me for open proxies, then are they
scanning everyone else who visits their site today? I gave up trying
to get any response via email from Slashdot years ago so I am not
going to contact them.
This is the recent output of my logfile (my IP is xx'd out):