----Original Message----
From: migalo digalo
Message-Id: 433ee3d9050510145060008332@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi all;
this my first post in this mailing list;so please ...
i am doing same pen-tests ,to apply the bit of theorical knowledge i
have ,and nessus show me same 'Critical' vulnerabilities:
sendmail 8.8
----Original Message----
From: migalo digalo
Message-Id: 433ee3d9050511042222a87a5b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i think it's really a 8.8 (redhat6.2) and not a honeypot or thing like
So can we conclude that the reason why you don't actually know if it's a
honeypot or not because it is not your system and you're actually trying to
break in to it, not "pen-test" it?