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[Full-Disclosure] Hushmail logging (nail in the coffin)

Does Hush track IP addresses of visitors or address holders?

Hushmail.com does log IP addresses to analyze market trends and gather
broad demographic information for aggregate use. However, Hushmail.com
will never log your IP address in such a way that it can be associated
with your Hushmail email address or identity. The procedure does NOT
affect the anonymity of the user at any stage


J. Oquendo
GPG Key ID 0x51F9D78D
Fingerprint 2A48 BA18 1851 4C99

CA22 0619 DB63 F2F7 51F9 D78D

sil @ politrix . org    http://www.politrix.org
sil @ infiltrated . net http://www.infiltrated.net

J. Oquendo
GPG Key ID 0x51F9D78D
Fingerprint 2A48 BA18 1851 4C99

CA22 0619 DB63 F2F7 51F9 D78D

sil @ politrix . org    http://www.politrix.org
sil @ infiltrated . net http://www.infiltrated.net

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