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Re: [Full-Disclosure] hushmail.com, is this true?

Pseudo Nym wrote:

I was asking for anyone with evidence or experience
dealing with hushmail. You seem to have neither.

Well, at least he had the courtesy to reply to you. But read on, MacDuff.

Can anyone verify hushmail's claims or provide some
recounting of events that would seem to bolster their

Thank you.

--- Andrew Smith <stfunub@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To me this suggests that, unlike most web based
e-mail providers such
as hotmail, hushmail does not send the user's I.P
address in the
headers of the e-mail address, but hushmail still
logs IP addresses.

Well, that would certainly be true, unlike the Yahoo account you just posted from. I could be incredibly entertaining by posting the results of *that*, but I won't waste the bandwidth. If you are looking for protection due to political oppression, use an anonymous remailer. If you're not planning on using your hushmail account to break the law in a big way, what on earth are you concerned about? They are quite clear in what they do and don't log; I know some of the people who work (or worked) there. They are all quite honorable.

What are you trying to imply? What is your concern?

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