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Re: [Full-Disclosure] 2 vulnerabilities combine to auto execute received files in Nokia series 60 OS

Dear Paul Kurczaba,

PK> Wouldn't the phone try to open the jpg file as a picture, and not execute
PK> it. Just like on desktop PCs: if you rename a .exe (application/program) to
PK> a jpg (picture file), and try to open the file, your image program will open
PK> the file, thinking it is a image file. The application code will not be
PK> executed.

Well there is a twist, Nokia says it identifies files NOT by the
filename but by the extension, even when shelling them, so there won't
be an image view but code being run. (Note I have no access to said
devices, I am solely interpreting).

Thierry Zoller
http://www.sniff-em.com [Yes]

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