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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Illegal mind control is coming to the USA, black helicopters

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:22:28 CST, Ron DuFresne said:

> of course, on a semi serious note, elctromagnectic imaging scans have
> proven to be pretty effective in noting the difference in a lying brain
> and a truthful one.  Now if they can just consolidate all that equipment
> into a small handable wand kinda device...

What we *really* need is a portable cluon-flux detector, so that we can wave
it past somebody and tell if they're a net emitter of cluons, or a cluon sink,
or a null-cluon.

Interestingly enough, it can be shown that cluon sinks are preferable to
null-cluons - sinks will absorb cluons and accumulate them, eventually becoming
cluon emitters once they reach a critical mass of cluons.  Null cluons react
with cluons in about the same way as neutrinos react with normal matter - they
very rarely hit-and-stick.

OB-Full-Disclosure:  The effect on your organization's overall security stance
when a null-cluon gets appointed into management.

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