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[Full-Disclosure] Reality, humor, and history (was Re: MORE CRITICAL FLAWS IN MS WINDOWS EXPLORER

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 01:48:29 EST, Kevin Reiter said:
> Sorry, but this was the very first post I saw after I joined this list a 
> little
> bit ago, and I couldn't resist a few comments.  Is this guy for real, or is 
> this a
> joke?

Sometimes, it's hard to tell around here, even if you're *not* a newcomer.

It might be a cave troll out for a stroll.  Or it might really be somebody
who's just fallen out of the tree, who has just "found" something (How many
times have we seen the advisory about Hotmail passwords now? ;).  Often, this
is followed up by several people who don't let the fact they don't actually
know the right answer dissuade them from posting(*).

It's often important to remember that C.M. Kornbluth wrote "The Marching Morons"
in 1953, and the half-century since have proven the basic concept correct...

(*) My all-time favorite "Close, but no ceee-gar" was the advice column for a
Unix journal where the author *remembered* the old "3 syncs before halt"
adage - but got it Very Wrong by advising "sync;sync;sync;halt".  Bonus
points if you can remember (a) the *original* reason for the advice *and* 
(b) how this version was Very Wrong (there's *multiple* answers for this one ;)

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