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Re: [Full-Disclosure] This sums up Yahoo!s securitypolicyto a -T-

Greetings fellow mortals,

All of you need a break. Clearly, nobody's able to recognise satire nor parody 
anymore. First the rm vulnerability discussion, now this... 

On Tuesday 04 January 2005 15:48, Clairmont, Jan M wrote:
> I love it when self-proclaimed luzer's claim to own anything.   What do
> they claim to own a couple of old ladies, children's or unprotected
> files on some pc's.  Wow daddy stand back in awe, this luzer hacked a
> child's pc and gets to play on their 33.4K baud connection, so
> impressive.8->

In response to:
> n3td3v owns you all, even you self proclaimed and so-called experts
> and professionals.
> *makes rude hand jestures*
> ;-)

Have a nice day, and loosen up, pretty please,

Daniel Fischer <fsc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - Institut Informations- und Datenverarbeitung
Interaktive Analyse und Diagnose
Fraunhoferstrasse 1 - 76131 Karlsruhe

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