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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Suspect phpBB users

> That doesn't mean the ndervyanko fella is the perpetrator, but most
> likely the victim.

This could very likely be true. It seemed like they were trying to
advertise a commercial website the same way spam does.

> I don't read Russian, and my Lynx doesn't display it either. Looks like
> some search form.
> From the way it looks, it seems to be an apology saying something like the
> site got Slashdotted or so. Perhaps a Russian member of FD could 
> confirm/translate.

I don't speak Russian either, hence why I couldn't provide much more
info. Maybe someone on FD that does could translate. =)

> To me it looks like the author didn't like those two sites and was
> hoping to DoS them, instead of attracting users for ... dunno... Rolex
> offers or something...
> Probably a couple Russian teens attempting to throw the wrath of
> insecure PHP systems at each other. :)

An interesting thought indeed - and quite possible. Hopefully a
translation could provide more information.

Peace. ~G

On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 11:29:32 -0600, Frank Knobbe <frank@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-12-26 at 06:57 -0500, GuidoZ wrote:
> > I also noticed that the "nderevyanko" user has put up a number of
> > posts to sites with the same text:
> That doesn't mean the ndervyanko fella is the perpetrator, but most
> likely the victim.
> >  http://softexpert.atspace.com
> I don't read Russian, and my Lynx doesn't display it either. Looks like
> some search form.
> > http://nderevyanko.narod.ru/
> Again, I don't read Russian, but a page appears, slowly, after an
> initial HTTP 404. From the way it looks, it seems to be an apology
> saying something like the site got Slashdotted or so. Perhaps a Russian
> member of FD could confirm/translate.
> To me it looks like the author didn't like those two sites and was
> hoping to DoS them, instead of attracting users for ... dunno... Rolex
> offers or something...
> Probably a couple Russian teens attempting to throw the wrath of
> insecure PHP systems at each other. :)
> Cheers,
> Frank
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