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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Request Declined; Causes of failures in systems was list noise

phased wrote:

yes you can suck my cock, mmmk thanks

THIS EMAIL IS (C) 2005 phased all rights reserved

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Kudlak <stevex11@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dcdave@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 13:11:36 -0800
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] list noise

dcdave@xxxxxxx wrote:

I will NOT respond to this; I will NOT respond to this; I will Not respond to this;


InfoSec Group

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: phased <phased@xxxxxxx>

I also care about noise, and responding to stupid mails makes it worse.
Every time people send stupid mails like the rm file thing, and people reply to the list, the author was successful in filling the list with crap for a day or so.

If no one replies, then they dont get attention and the people who know their advisories(anyone with common sense) are blatantly crap will not be affected by their nuisance.

You always get a load of emails to the list from people who want to tell everyone they know that an advisory for example was crap, yes we know
thank you, but we are not handing out gold stars today!!!
No need to tell us all every time!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Barrie Dempster <barrie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 09:36:07 +0000
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Multiple Backdoors found in eEye Products(IRISand SecureIIS)

I'd have to agree with the eEye statement on this one. You sent out an
advisory without disclosing the details, which offers no real benefit to
anyone. Many people consider this responsible disclosure but that also
requires you to notify the vendor (there were no @eeye.com's in your
"to" list but there were a couple of press mailboxes).

You didn't contact eEye, you didn't release details, you used an
anonymous address and failed to mention or credit any of the other guys
in your "testing team", This can only lead us to believe that the
advisory is fake and only intended to generate bad press for eEye. I
personally don't care about eEye's PR rating but I do care about the
level of noise on these lists and I do care about backdoor-ed commercial
products that are in common use. You may have an issue with eEye and see
this as revenge. However, I doubt you also have an issue with the many
admins who probably have spent their holiday season investigating these
claims, when there are likely more pressing matters to address, such as
a large stock of alcohol.

Show us details, or be quiet. If you intended to embarrass eEye the plan
backfired as any competent professional on this list (there are a few -
I've heard stories about them) would see this as a shameful attempt and
would be laughing at you, not eEye.

Seasons greetings to eEye and all Full Disclosure subscribers - even you
"Lance Gusto".

With Regards..
Barrie Dempster (zeedo) - Fortiter et Strenue


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Neither Will I!
Neither Will I!
Neither Will I!
Let it Die!
Let it Die!
Let it Die!;)

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

I would prefer not to; Go find a girlfriend or boyfriend to take of that ....
It is definitely not a security issues despite what republicans claimed
during Monicagate but I suspect if one were having "too much fun"
during security software install.bad things might happen later.

Speaking of that I used to write "pattern summaries" of NTSB/FAA
air accident stuff in a forner life; Human Error was often at rhe bottom of it
and lots of people did pull stupids because they were otherwise involved.
Ofter however a good chunk like 50% could be traced back to people
being too tired when they were doing something important. I wonder how
many security problems come from being tired or something rather tan more
comolicated stuff. I mean some of the setting up stuff I have domne was pretty
complicated and should not be done when tied or comprised. Like now when]
I am tired and making typos etc.''

Have Fun,
Sends Stev

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