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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Multiple Backdoors found in eEye Products (IRISand SecureIIS)

Shunryu Suzuki wrote:
This is not the first time these allegations have come
up surrounding eEye and backdoors.

Can you post links, particularly substantiated links?

Sure one can look
at Marc's carefully worded retribution and pseudo
explanation of why we should just trust him (for the
sake of him saying so of course...)

So far, I read a lot of accusations without a shred of evidence to back them up, slander, in other words.

So let us take a
brief look back at good old Marc, the little Chameleon
who would sell out his country's secrets at a
crackwhore price of $1,000.00

Except none of the links mention that Marc did any such thing. It also happens to be irrelevant to the issue at hand, an accusation that eEye puts back doors in its software.


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