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Re: [Full-Disclosure] MySQL and the user "su"

Dear Tom Crimmins,

am Freitag, 31. Dezember 2004 um 17:42 schrieben Sie:

> [snip]
> I have today determined that I can connect to a local MySQL-server per
>  "mysql -usu".  I regard that to error, can that someone confirm?
> [/snip]

> This is not an error. You should by default be able to connect with any user
> from localhost, but you will not have privileges to do anything else. This
> is because the mysql install by default sets up permissions this way. You
> could verify this yourself by connecting as root, and executing the
> following query:

> SELECT * FROM mysql.user;

> The row that applies in this case is the one with Host='localhost' and
> User=''. You can delete this row if you do not want this behavior. You must
> do a "flush privileges;" after deleting the row.

> ---
> Tom Crimmins
> Interface Specialist
> Pottawattamie County, Iowa

Ok one if I the user deletes, I can't no more connection.  But for what MySQL 
on this user at all, if he is not used?

I think that is a securitybug to be evaluated.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sascha Wolf

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