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RE: [Full-Disclosure] And you're proud of this Mike Evanchick?

I have to aggree with Todd on this one, the attack was extremely
unprofessional, and things like this should be left out of mailing
lists. I could carry on, but am forcing myself not to here.


On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 08:38 -0600, Todd Towles wrote:
> Umm..and you were the one giving cheers to Norton. Of course AV can be
> fooled..and of course a patch from microsoft is the only true way to
> fix the problem. 
> She was attacking you for giving Cheers to Norton. I didn't release
> the POC, you did. I am happy Norton is detecting it. If you want to
> change your words right in the middle of the sentence, I really don't
> care.
> By attacking me on a personal level, you have proven to me..to be
> unprofessional at best.
>         ______________________________________________________________
>         From: Michael Evanchik [mailto:Mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
>         Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:03 PM
>         To: Todd Towles; Elle Chicka; full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>         Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] And you're proud of this Mike
>         Evanchick?
>         Todd,
>         Listen, you are so wrong i cant belive you even have the guts
>         to post this.  How stupid can you be?  Norton or any AVP can
>         easily be fooled.  The active x object "ca"+n b"+ +e crea"
>         +ted" like this. code changed around , or even different local
>         code can be used and tada AVP is fooled.  Only a true patch
>         from microsoft or disable the help control in the registry is
>         going to stop this.  Her concern is wise.  
>         Mike
>         www.michaelevanchik.com
>                 ----- Original Message ----- 
>                 From: Todd Towles 
>                 To: Elle Chicka ; full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>                 Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:36 AM
>                 Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] And you're proud of
>                 this Mike Evanchick?
>                 Well, if you have Norton, it couldn't wreak
>                 havoc...now could it? Most of the AV compaines are now
>                 detecting the exploit. This detection response is much
>                 faster than most of the other exploits which are
>                 wreaking havoc on your network, so it would sound.
>                 Nice work to Norton.
>                         ______________________________________________
>                         From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>                         [mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
> Behalf Of Elle Chicka
>                         Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 11:16 PM
>                         To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>                         Subject: [Full-Disclosure] And you're proud of
>                         this Mike Evanchick?
>                         You so proudly posted this:
>                         ------------------------
> http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/trojan.phel.a.html
>                         mike
>                         www.michaelevanchik.com
>                         ------------------------
>                         Obviously you are just tickled to see that the
>                         kiddies were able to so quickly turn your
>                         point/click sploit code into a virus to wreak
>                         havoc on my network.
>                         Thanks a lot for helping to make all of us a
>                         little less secure over the holiday's.
>                         __________________________________________________
>                         Do You Yahoo!?
>                         Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
>                         protection around 
>                         http://mail.yahoo.com 
> _______________________________________________
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