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[Full-Disclosure] Windows (XP SP2): Remotely Code Execution with Parameters (Updated)
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Windows (XP SP2): Remotely Code Execution with Parameters (Updated)
- From: ShredderSub7 <shreddersub7@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 06:11:12 -0800 (PST)
Hi all,
a few days ago, I released a PoC from an exploit that can allow code execution
from a webpage.
Some people asked me if it is possible to execute a random file, that comes
from the Internet.
Now, I updated this PoC and it is possible to execute a malware file from the
http://freehost19.websamba.com/shreddersub7/cmdexe.htm (PoC, installs and opens
2 files called "cmdexe.exe" and "cmdexe.hta" into your root C-drive).
This new PoC works very similar to the old one (which you can still find at
The new PoC actually uses the old PoC multiple times, it is build in 3 fases:
The first fase will be used to write the HTML application "cmdexe.hta" to your
C-drive. If you want to know how this is done, I refer to the website of
Michael Evanchik (http://www.michaelevanchik.com), because he was the first
person who founded this writing method (btw, thanks!).
The second fase is very similar to the first one: it opens the file
"cmdexe.hta" and it will write the malware file "cmdexe.exe" also to your
The third fase then is based on my older exploit
(http://freehost19.websamba.com/shreddersub7/htm.htm, Remote Code Execution),
it will open the file "C:\cmdexe.exe". For more info about that third fase, I
refer to my own explanation found at
So, for the PoC about Remote Malware Code Execution with Parameters:
shreddersub7_at_yahoo.com (replace "_at_" with "@" off course)
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