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[Full-Disclosure] Suggested filters against PHP Attacking Worms

With the whole Santy and Phpinclude worms running around lately, I ran 
some stats and put up some filter suggestions in the below article link.  

As a highlight, in a 55 hour period my site received just under 300,000 
verified attacks.  Some GET examples have been shown, and filters false 
positives are analyzed.


Filter examples are provided for:

- modsecurity
- php
- modrewrite

A couple hardening suggestions are also included.


Paul Laudanski - Computer Cops, LLC. CEO & Founder
CastleCops(SM) - http://castlecops.com
Promoting education and health in online security and privacy.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html