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Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE sp2 and Mozilla Firefox DoS.

I observed something different. I tried the following:

Generated a file like:

<head><title> (4MB from /dev/urandom)
</html> (or </title></html>)

on a gentoo linux kernel 2.6.9 FireFox 1.0 512MB Ram and FireFox started to use
up to 70% of the memory and about 4 CPU Minutes (1.4GHz Thunderbird) and then
displayed the page. (some in the title, the rest in the main window)

After switching to a new page, FireFox did not free the big chunk of memory,
but responded like normal. Actually I am writing this mail with this instance.
When closing FireFox the mem is freed of course. So I think this is not realy a
DoS against FireFox 1.0 on Linux, but a serious proplem for multi user



On 27.12.2004 at 21:20:13, bipin gautam <visitbipin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> There is an issue with these browser rendering html's
> with long titles. 
> Only Tested on: 
> -------------- 
> Internet Explorer(SP2): 6.0.2900.2180 
> Mozilla firefox: 1.0 
> Not affected:
> ------------- 
> Mozilla Browser 
> Have a look at, 
> ___________________ 
> <html> 
> <head> <title>  ....(put)3.5 MB OF data....... 
> </html> 
> ___________________
> For IE beyond 1 Mb will just do fine. On execution,
> Mozilla Firefox starts filling up all the available
> system memory with 100% CPU use. 
> Internet explorer renders 100% CPU use, but no system
> instability. (O; 
> I've tested it on Windows XP SP2. 
> Both Firefox & IE supports decompression method 'gzip'
> ie. an extended request header named
> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip,deflate 
> By this way, the file can be kept around few kilobytes
> in the server and delivered easily. I wonder, why
> such... simple issue went un-noticed to everyone for
> years... 
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